BORTE (A Historical Drama)

by throwing you, and now you are bedridden. Raise your head. Drink this tincture of mint and golden root. Genghis Khan, with the support of Borte, raises his head with difficulty. He drinks two or three sips of the tincture and then rests his head on the pillow. GENGHIS KHAN: There is still no news from the ambassadors sent to the inhabitants of Sardaul. Why are the messengers late? BORTE: Between Yasy and us the road is eighty days, it seems, so they may still be going. GENGHIS KHAN: Where did Yesui and Khulan go? BORTE: One of your lovers went fishing with a group of young guys on the Tula River. Yesui has not yet returned from Tolui’s wedding in Beijing. GENGHIS KHAN: All of them, both the wedding planners and the guests have returned, so what’s taking her so long? BORTE. She probably missed her family. When she was returning, some messengers caught up with her on the road saying that her mother was dying. There she sits, apparently, next to her mother. She cannot leave her. GENGHIS KHAN: My youngest wife is named Khulan. Here I am trying to chase down Khulan whilst broken in bed. Meanwhile, she’s busy enjoying herself fishing. BORTE: How would she know that you were going to fall off your horse? (Slightly ironic) She will probably arrive before our departure for the Kipchak steppes. GENGHIS KHAN: The older wife should be the protector of the younger ones. BORTE: When there are a hundred of these younger ones, taking care of everyone will only drive the older wife crazy. Here, drink the tincture one more time. Truth be told, what these juniors need is to be with Genghis Khan now more than ever. GENGHIS KHAN: And what about you, who do you want to be with? BORTE: Temujin. GENGHIS KHAN: In any situation, you always manage to find the right words. BORTE: I don’t look for the right words, the right words find me. Borte peers at the face of Genghis Khan and stays there for a long time. This gaze, as it were, warns Genghis Khan she has stopped speaking because she wants to say something important. BORTE: Whatever news comes from the steppes of Sardaul, you have ninety-five tumens ready to be sent to the West. You’re not going there

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