it off on both sides and exposing her neck. Blinking her eyes, she waits, counting to ten. The sabre does not fly up. At this moment, the door quietly opens, and two girls look into the room. Oh, the written beauties of China and Khakassia, my beloved legal spouse. Can you two quickly bring two basins of water and put them here? TWO GIRLS: (Eagerly) Is this the order of the Khan? BORTE: It is Khansha’s order. ONE OF THE GIRLS: (Cannot understand why Borte is lying like that) Are you sick? I don’t understand why you lie like that. BORTE: To understand this, just massage his legs and head and later that should be enough. Now go and do what I have commanded, and leave once you have. The two girls bring two basins of water and, setting them down, leave. If you have no power to swing your sabre, you can summon one of your executioners. Silence again. It doesn’t look like the sabre will swing. Borte raises her head and looks at Genghis Khan. He, putting his sabre next to him, rising, sits in the bed. There are tears in his eyes which he does not wipe away. Noticing these swelling tears, Borte quickly gets up. BORTE: If the Khan is crying, then what will happen to the rabble? Why do you ooze tears instead of chopping off my head? Gather your strength and wipe your tears. Pull up your belt and splash water on your face. The water was brought here to wash away the blood on my neck after the execution, but it is destined to spill on your face. Get up and splash the water onto your face. Genghis Khan gazes upon her intensely, as if seeing her for the first time. Should you really study me so closely? Is it the first time you see me? GENGHIS KHAN: Yes… For the first time I see. Genghis Khan takes her hand in his and places Borte on his right. Embracing her, he puts his hand on her neck and smoothes her hair. BORTE: (Looking at the face of Genghis Khan, squinting with a smile) Do you remember how, having beaten off from the Merkits, you
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