that Sepentai was a dishonest communist, that he is a reactionary element, looking for any opportunity to damage the cause of the developed socialism, that he is against the policy of destroying the distinction between city and village, against the general point of view that work for the good of socialism is creativity. At this meeting, Sepentai was forced to apologize in the meeting for his ideological apostasy and deviationism, he admitted his mistake, and promised to soon, no, immediately correct himself, and assured everyone that he would fulfil this important party assignment, no matter how difficult it may be, and, in general, follow all orders. A simple majority voted with one vote to pardon him, with only one person abstaining. The next day he left for the regional centre. Since Sepentai never crossed the threshold of such important institutions, he barely found the building of the Regional Construction Project, which is next to the Regional Project of Kazakhryba, after meeting the right person there with whom he could reinterpret. The people he found could not decide anything on their own. The fourth day was crowned with success: in a remote corner office where four dzhigits* were sitting, there  was a man who said that he knew an architect in the ‘Yuzhkazelevatormelsnabsbytstroy’ organization who had a project of two high-rise buildings in his hands. And if Sepentai agrees, he can meet with this person for a conversation and persuade him to sell his projects at an affordable price in the name of communism to the Socialism department. Sepentai was beside himself with joy, he worked with the dzhigits from the office until he got his way. For two days they negotiated with the architect from ‘Yuzhkazelevatormelsnabsbytstroy’. The negotiations were held in a secluded place, in a city recreation park in the Aral restaurant on a lake island with a warm atmosphere, an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding. A month later, the results of Sepentai’s stay in the city began to appear. From the regional centre to the ‘Socialism’ department, cars with building materials poured in a stream, then the working people poured in; plasterers and masons, architects and bulldozer operators, surveyors and concrete workers. How was Sepentai to know that those drawings that were sold for twenty thousand

*dzhigit – nomadic horse riders from Central Asia and North Caucasus, usually distinguished by their courage, endurance and exceptional horse-riding ability

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