“We will add eight nationalities, which were not here today, from the list of the remaining Kazakhs: We will write down one as a Pashto, the other as a Shurshit. What else is there for the unemployed to do – they’ll definitely agree. And we will agree with them, we will explain to them, and if the inspectors become interested, they will name the nationalities that we assign to them.” “What if their looks don’t match?” “Who cares about their looks? Do you think anyone will really bother examining the appearance of all these working people? When they find themselves covered in dust and dirt at work, they will all have the same appearance as that of any proletariat.” “Pashat gazed at Sepentai for some time.” “What a brilliant, expeditious idea!” he said, smiling happily. “Well done, Sepentai! Your head does work it seems. Though only from time to time.” And Pashat, as if he was being tickled, giggled effusively in a thin voice. Then he coughed brusquely, masking his laughter. “Come on, get to work,” he said. “However, do not write whatever comes into your head, but choose the appearance that suits the desired nation.” “Certainly. In truth, you can find an appearance suitable for any nearby nationality among the Kazakhs.” “This is true. Well, I’m going home, you finish the rest yourself,” with these words, Pashat, pushing the people crowding in the corridor, went out into the street. Sepentai did not bother with this matter for long. He selected eight Kazakhs from the crowd, whose appearance, in his opinion, corresponded to the desired nationalities, then explained to them that if they agreed to the conditions, he would immediately apply them for work. None of the chosen Kazakhs wanted to miss the chance, and they chattered fervently from all sides: “Oh god, do you really think we’ll argue? If it comes to it, you can mark us down not only as Shurshits, but also as earthworms if needs be – we will be satisfied. It won’t hurt us. And if someone in the future becomes interested in what nationality we are, we will answer as you instruct us. We’ll just need to write it down, so we don’t forget who we are. A bit of time passed, and on the construction site of the ‘Socialism’ department of the ‘Communism’ collective farm, vigorous activity began to boil on the

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