his shoulder and his eyes wide. “No, dear citizen, marriage is not your private affair alone,” he shook his finger. “I will write a statement because the crime was committed by you. You, and not I, committed treason, you were the one who was morally wrong,” he raised his voice “It was you, not me!” “To hell with you. Write your statement. Write it right now. You know how to write; you are a doctor!” She sighed wearily and folded her face in her hands. “At this age, it is certainly not easy for me to lose a wife for the second time,” Sargel’s voice suddenly trembled. “How will I face the public! What will be the fate of these two children! I can’t stop thinking about it, I don’t have a heart of stone. But there is also honour, con- science, and these circumstances are above all. In order for people to understand who is really to blame, I will write about everything openly. Of course, no one saw you in bed, but the appearance of a man in the house when the husband is away is…! Let’s just say, I am in no hurry to find out what happened, we can find out in court!” Malika saw more and more clearly that things were taking a sharp turn. She realised that if Sargel was not stopped, then a big drama would eventually arise due to a cigarette butt, Bagila would be disgraced, and Jasyn would lose his family. “Sar,” she pleaded. “I’m not afraid of anything. If I tell everything as it was, will you calm down then?” “If you intend to repeat Bagila’s little tale, then don’t bother, it’s a waste of time.” “Why? Is she home?!” “Everyone is home. There were three women here in my absence, and all three are here now. But Mancia doesn’t know anything, you didn’t take her into your company. You needed intimacy!” “Mancia is closer to me than to you, but you know her character, she avoids everyone.” “That’s not what we’re talking about,” said Sargel, lifting his chin again. “So, who is this person? Speak!” Sargel stopped looming around the room, resting his hands on the table, he hovered over his wife, tuning his ears to what she’s about to say. “A man shouldn’t be doing this sort of thing… We’ll just be harassing Bagila. Aren’t you ashamed!” “Interesting!

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