more later. Go.” The management exchanged glances with indeci- sion, and finally all eyes settled on the director at the same time, and he spoke cautiously: “Karatai Isaevich, we would like to rest after journey here… The wife of one of the workers gave birth to a son yesterday… I would like to celebrate this event with you in our house.” Karatai looked straight at the director: “A worker’s wife gave birth to a son. Why should we celebrate this in your home?” “We agreed to do so… Karatai Isaevich!” Karatai found it funny to watch the director fuss, but he restrained himself. Not wanting to offend the worker in question, whose wife gave birth to a son; he looked softly at the red-cheeked man with amused eyes. “Congratulations!” he said. “If there is time, we will sit at the table together, but if not…” He almost said: “I’ll take my share and go,” but stopped in time. Somehow, going round the farms, Karatai ended up on that one. When he got there, he was in a hurry to leave, but how can the first secretary of the district committee up and go so carelessly? In order to somehow console the owner of the house and the director, he said something that almost flew off his lips. Coming out of the state farm office, he could clearly see that a load of ceremonial clothes was stuffed inside his car, it looked more like market stand than it did a vehicle. Karatai’s hair stood on end. “What is it?!” he asked the director, who was stand- ing next to him. “There are two nines,” he grinned. “What? What nines?” “You are the most respected guest here at the celebration after all. Two pieces from each of the nine workers – that’s eighteen chapans (ceremonial coat) we left in your honour.” The director looked at him proudly, as if he had done a great public deed. Karatai silently returned to the office, calling the driver behind him, and ordered him to put all the gifts on the table. At parting, Karatai told him: “Do you know what will happen to you if I report this?” The director’s eyes popped out. He knew he had been caught trying to win over the secretary’s favour. “That’s right,” remarked Karatai, looking at the director for a long time. “This better not happen again!” The director

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