the driver. “Come here…! How many kilograms can you lift?” “On the bar, about a hundred, and on my back about a hundred and fifty kilograms, but not for very long,” Volodya laughed. “Then take this horseman off the grader and put him in our car.” Not understanding whether Karatai was joking or speaking seriously, Volodya first looked at his boss, then at the horseman, who was cheerfully grinning from above. “Look out, make sure you don’t drop him.” The hefty horseman was all ready to perch on the back of the driver. “Karatai Isaevich, are you serious?!” The director had completely lost his head and was already not far from turning his back. “Oh my god, what is this!” he exclaimed, seeing that Volodya had turned his back to the grader. “Where are you going! This is a joke,” he yelled at the driver. “It’s not a joke!” Karatai snapped as he opened the car door. Suddenly, the director’s face turned pale. He saw how the left leg of the man sitting on Volodya’s back dragged along the ground. They drove in silence for a long time. This whole situation with the grader driver drove the director into a dead end, he literally lost his tongue. Clinging to each other with Turgat, they sat with bated breath. On top of that, the grader driver seemed to be pleased that he had frostbite on his leg just in time for the arrival of the authorities. He freely settled down in the back seat, squeezing the director to the door… “Those bastards, you need to answer for them,” the director thought, angry. “If they freeze their leg, fall into a precipice, freeze in the cold after having too much booze – you are the one who had to answer for that. Damn, and they know it well! As if their life is needed not for themselves, but for others! Yes, I’m not cold and not hot, but if you’re going to do something like this, at least freeze your head off next time! Well, they will punish me, well, they will remove me from my post. What’s wrong with them?! Like if I get reprimanded, will his leg suddenly feel better? And how can an adult horseman even freeze his leg like that? Last winter, two shepherds got lost in a snowstorm, they were found three days later – and nothing

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