steppe, and she did not know what thought to grasp. And they were frighteningly sharp for her, pushing for grades that she could not even dare before. Something strange was happening to her. After all, a few hours ago everything was so calm, unshakable and, as it seemed to her, good. Now, no matter what she thought about, her thoughts ran into some kind of dead end, and this dead end for her became a stranger who casually scolded Hugo, who was thrown out of the compartment by her father, like an unnecessary newspaper. Of course, losing your seat in a compartment is not a great loss, not the worst mockery. But why, why did her father need to be violent? She looked at her father, who was sleeping, her mouth parted so that blackness gaped behind her teeth, and once again, she cautiously touched the sheet that lay in front of her on the table with her fingers. And what’s next? A painful desire arose in her – it was imperative, that at any cost, she had to find out what was written in the other sheets. Was that all she wanted? Well, of course, she also wanted to read the beginning or end of these arguments and see this man again, talk to him. This time, the opportunity to appear in front of the man did not frighten her… The train arrived in Almaty in the evening. And here her father had many acquaintances. Despite the unbearable July heat, five men in full dress suits and ties enthusiastically greeted them at the station and led them to two brand new Volgas. Their car sped along a beautiful street lined with silvery poplars. The sun was long gone, and the sky is still pink, broken in the south by snow-white mountain peaks. The avenue was watered a few minutes ago, and the wheels of the Volga were throwing back the mirrored asphalt with a wet whistle. The voices behind her did not stop for a second. Bagila heard that their conversation was chaotic, it was about everything at once. One of the greeters began to tell that in the summer it is more profitable to fly by plane. He was actually in Tashkent recently, he got on a plane, and then – he arrived without any road torment. Then, with some greed, he talked about the shish kebabs, which

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