been standing like a pillar in one place all this time, only now breathed a sigh of relief, as if she had thrown a millstone off her back. “Wow! Here I thought that Zhamankara’s foal had died, but it turns out that it was a man! “So are you happy or sorry that it’s a man?” Karatai asked, stepping forward to greet her. “Oh, I’m just glad they’re alive, whoever it is! Is the chief from the district committee with you?” Fearing that this one would say god knows what, the director of the state farm immediately intervened in the conversation. “Are you blind? That’s him, that’s Karatai himself! And what about me, do you know who I am?!” “God! Really?!” The woman pinched her cheek. “Hey, Kulzira, call everyone! Fast!” Having received the order, the girl in a huge jersey and huge boots, gazing at the guests from under her brows, rushed towards a distant shed. The skirts of the jersey thumped on the tops of the boots. “So, hello everyone! Otbai, this is our director, I did not recognize him, forgive me lord. Please do not be offended dear,” she said, like an old person, although she and the director were around the same age. “This blizzard has completely tortured us, how many days it has been blowing. Well, come into the house. The bulldozer had just informed us of your arrival not long ago. The house is not cleaned… We weren’t expecting anyone; the owner should be here at the moment…” Karatai thanked the woman with a smile for her hospitality and said that it was not at all necessary to enter the house, they had business to attend to, but the hostess reared like an unleashed mare. “I understand you are the authorities, but bread and salt matters above all!” she exclaimed indignantly. “If you came here to scold, then scold whilst sitting in your places of honour, we will listen, doing business by the hearth. I’m sure everybody has scolded our shepherd by this point, we are used to it!” There was a vicious character and some familiar malice in her voice. “Even our own children scold us, so we got used to it. Come in! You must be angry that we lost forty sheep. It’s nothing, the state will not get poorer from this. Good is earned by a person. We have been grazing

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