she couldn’t go back, everything if flooded over there. Now she has ride on the bulldozer to get back. It’s good that you’ve come.” Tenge spoke of the bulldozer as if it were a person. According to her, it turned out that it can move on its own, and the driver, who was sitting behind the stove, had nothing to do with it. Karatai, noticing this, smiled slightly and thought that the sincere woman was not at all interested in the purpose of their arrival, but simply rejoiced at the guests. When the guests were seated, Tenge said: “Hey, Sopia, Maria, stop standing there like statues, serve tea!” The girls were not forced to move twice, they quickly rushed to the samovar in the corridor. “One of them has a Russian name, Maria?” Karatai asked. “Maybe, who knows,” Tenge answered, preparing a large black cauldron for the meat. “These names were given to them by my old man, he is completely out of his mind. He’s as dark as the closet, and he climbs in there to read books as well, so he ended up scraping out the names of his daughters from there. It’s as they say: there were once two women: one was in accounting, and the other was either in a chemistry or in physics. So, the old man gave his daughters their names. Over there on the window is the notebook, in which the gain and loss of sheep are marked, there are a dozen or two such names. Preparing them for future daughters.” Tenge chuckled mischievously. “Would a normal person do such a thing!” Everyone in the house laughed at that. Tenge, having amused the guests, grabbed an iron spoon and rushed to scrape the bottom of the cauldron, raising a shrill rattle in the room. The director sat with his brow furrowed. “Oh, Tenge, stop that noise. We’re fine without meat…” he muttered. “What, you don’t like it?” Tenge asked, peering out from behind the cauldron. “Okay, now I’ll take it out into the street, I’ll clean it there. You know, my old man loves it! When he is free and has nothing to do, he asks: ‘Hey, clean the cauldron with an iron spoon.’ So I scrape away. And he will listen, fall asleep and start snoring. All of the children leave the house at once and run for the hills.” “It turns

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