costs, then the price will not exceed the loss of livestock,” Kolbai spoke again on a hot topic. “Since there are roads, you must deliver the promised feed here.” “We’ll deliver, we’ll deliver,” the director frequented, rejoicing that the shepherd was becoming more accommodating. “I’ll go back to the state farm and find the culprits. I know there is plenty of food.” “What are we going to do with the dead cattle? Write up a report?” The shepherd looked askance at the director. “We’ll see… We need to consult with the veterinary service. Do you think the rest of the cattle will survive?” “Who knows. The livestock barn seems to have been patched up. By evening, three or four wagons of hay will supposedly be brought up here. Now, after all, there is nowhere for the cattle to graze, there is so much snow piled up.” The conversation, having boiled over, flowed along a more even channel, and the hostess spread the food around with special pleasure. The girls tirelessly helped their mother. When the samovar was brought in and tea was poured, Volodya entered the house. In his hands he held a large bowl, in which dressed legs and a head of a ram lay perfectly. “Master, where should I put this?” he asked as mat- ter-of-factly as if he were one of the family members. “What do you mean where? What, is there no room here?” Tenge challenged him. “If you can’t see it yourself then just stand and hold it in your hands!” Volodya realised that Tenge was saying this exclu- sively in her own way. He placed the bowl on a small table by the stove and sat down to drink tea. “Lady, did you decide to bring the number of lost cattle to forty-six?” Karatai asked with a smile, watching Tenge putting meat into the cauldron. “No, the number of the fallen will remain the same. This is my ram! All of the state sheep are thin, but mine are well-fed, a real Kazakh ram. Why should I serve you skinny meat?” “Sorry we’re in a hurry. We still need to visit some flocks; you started all this in vain.” Karatai pointed to the dressed table, but the owner of the house did not even listen to him. “The ram is intended for you, so you will have to taste the meat. After all, it’s

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