long time: looks like he found where to show integrity. He rode home with a feeling of awkwardness, he did not lift a finger to help the man, and now he had burst into his house and sat down in the most honourable place. But Kolbai pretended that absolutely nothing had happened, that the year that his younger brother had served was a mere trifle between them… Karatai was at the table, and when Kolbai showed him his household, he tried to ask him about his brother, but each time he did not have the courage to start this conversation. Two hours later he said goodbye to the shepherd’s family. The healthy grader driver did not leave his frozen partner for a minute and finally brought him along. At the table, everyone was happy that the guy’s leg came back to life. Having fed the patient, the comrade wrapped him in a warm blanket, put him in his grader, and drove ahead of everyone to the central estate. Saying goodbye to Karatai, the horseman suddenly said to him: “Thank god you are our secretary. You are a kind and smart person. I’m sorry for any trouble we caused you. Goodbye.” “What are you talking about, just go!” The direc- tor shouted at the guy, but Karatai stopped him with a movement of his head and warmly said goodbye to the horseman. Karatai took Kolbai’s daughter with him to the district centre, who until that day could not go back to school. Seeing them off, the entire Kolbai family came out of the hut. The youngest cried so bitterly, as if her sister was being taken away in captivity. The shepherd’s lonely house quickly disappeared into a cloud of snow. Karatai suddenly felt sad, as if he had lost his way in the boundless steppe littered with snow. He was not accustomed to such weaknesses and with surprise undertook to look for the cause of this un- accountable acute anguish but could not find anything…. Karatai got home in the second half of the night. The wife quickly, as if she had not slept, opened the door, helped him to undress, out of habit, clearly reported who called, what news there was for the day. He drank a cup of camel milk, looked at his sleep- ing children, and got into bed. But no matter how much he closed his eyes,

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