said that the author seeks to show a bright image of our contemporaries in the sto- ry. Their love and devotion to their native land, the best and noble qualities of their soul, reflection on life and its problems. It was also reported that the language of the story is bright, original, the book is easy to read. Jasyn ran his eyes over these lines and swore in annoyance: “Damned publishers! They don’t know any other words. What a love for stamps. Who would read a book with such an annotation!” Surprisingly, the newspapers bypassed a deathly silence about the new book of the sensational prose writer, which came out after a three-year break. It was as if this book never existed, as if the author had not written anything not a single review, not a single word in passing in review articles about literature. It turns out that his thoughts, the created images, his imagination and reflections, which took three years of his life, are not worth a single penny?! He picked up the latest issue of the literary weekly. It contained a huge article about the last story of a writer, his age. Jasyn read this story in manuscript, the author asked him to express his opinion. He didn’t like the story. It’s not enough to say he didn’t like it, it was involved alongside small, insignificant events, the red price to pay to be but a note in the newspaper. From the first to the last page of the story, the young specialist, with the support of the party committee, fought in the economy to im- prove things, and finally he himself became the director of the state farm. “God!” After reading the story, Jasyn really de- spaired. “Can this really be considered literature? He seems to be crazy! He probably still thinks that this is a new step in creativity. How can you suggest this to the reader? Our poor literature, what and whom only it does not tolerate! But he is waiting for praise… He also believes that he will be praised highly. Poor fellow, why is he writing?!” Jasyn wrote a few lines, put the paper into the manuscript of the story, and left the house on the eve of the author’s arrival, telling his wife to hand him the folder herself. The young writer came, expecting Jasyn’s enthusiastic words… After reading his note,

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