realised that anything can be expected from you.” Jasyn was silent. “Have you swallowed your tongue? Or are your brilliant thoughts dishevelled like feathers in the wind? However, it is better to remain silent than to carry on with any nonsense. This is below your dignity.” Jasyn approached her. “Just don’t tear the glass out of my hands,” Bagila smiled somehow pathetically. “Why the hell do I need it! Keep yourself healthy.” Jasyn stroked her head. “You know, at such moments I don’t want to be in love, like every other person, when love ends in bed. We must be a thousand times higher than that.” “Then we will become an Akhalteke and leave to roam the boundless land… Do you remember?” “I remember. I’m ready right now. But what to do if we remain human. Listen, is there a man in your family who has died of drunkenness? Put this glass on the table. It turns out that you are insatiable for words and for champagne.” Bagila almost choked. “I haven’t even had one glass.” “And that is a lot! I have a friend who gets drunk at the sight of a vodka cork. And you are a woman!” “God, if my father or uncle Sargel had heard all this! They would have thought that I set out to dishonour our entire family, to give our family dignity to you for desecration. And I, it seems, will become even more pliable,” she put the glass on the table. “Well, what should I do?” “Nothing! I’m probably no worse than that unfortunate Czech glass. But the wine glass is directly stuck to your lips. Be quiet, don’t laugh!” Jasyn leaned over her and kissed her on the lips. Bagila closed her eyes… He suddenly smelled a sharp smell of perfume, felt the taste of her lipstick. He became disgusted. “They all smell the same. What is all this for,” thought Jasyn, pulling away from Bagila. She opened her eyes, and he saw how pride in her was replaced by modesty, waywardness – humility. And he read in her eyes: “We have crossed the border, what will happen next?” – “Will we go farther? A person can not escape the laws of prescribed existence,” he answered her to himself, realising that the girl would never ask him such a question out loud, and he would never answer it, would not be

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