I love to write about the ugly and the thin. They are smarter.” Bagila did not know how to react to these words: to be happy or to be offended. “You know,” she said, “you are like ice in a hot caul- dron. Warm on one side, cold on the other.” Jasyn, amazed by such a comparison, carefully looked at Bagila and shook with laughter. “Wonderful! Hope I don’t melt?” “Don’t worry, I doubt it’ll be a threat to you!” Still not freed from anger, she spoke loudly, as if whipping Jasyn with words. “And tell that guy, for god’s sake, to stop sending his portraits to my home.” Jasyn chuckled condescendingly. “It turns out that you have a primitive idea of art,” he blew a puff of smoke towards the window. “In my opinion, this portrait will be a phenomenon in the paint- ing world, and it is not painted in order for him to drag it to your house. This portrait will be exhibited at all exhibitions.” “He… last time he sent it to my house!” Exclaimed the girl, trembling with indignation. “Yes, but it was just a sketch. Didn’t you notice that?” Bagila jumped up and ran out onto the balcony. Jasyn snorted dismissively: “It’s nothing, it’s not the first and it won’t be the last time, as it flared up, it will cool down.” But Bagel lingered too long on the balcony. “It looks like she was really offended. Shall I go and calm her down?” He slowly approached her. The girl, as if forgetting where she was, looked at the people bellow, at the hissing jets of fountains. He coughed, reminding himself, and touched her shoulder guiltily. Bagila didn’t even look in his direction. Jasyn saw that she was crying. Tears glistened on her cheeks, reflecting the blue neon light of the streetlights. “The woman is in tears,” he said, looking over the faces of people below. “They emphasise your charms. I am afraid of women who never cry, they are usually cunning and two-faced. You know, now women all over the world are facing one problem – how to remain a woman!” He squinted at Bagila and thought: “how is she, is she still angry?” She walked around him like a pillar, entered the room, nervously grabbed a jacket from the back of the chair. “Yes, I don’t know much and don’t want to

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