know! I lived happily without it!” “You’re right,” he said to fill the void between them. “To know a lot is a disaster for women’s happiness. He who knows little lives quietly and well…” “You are a ruthless person! You have an answer for everything. There is no warmth in your heart at all.” “I’m looking at the truth, that’s all. In the future, do not strive for knowledge, otherwise you will lose all your friends. People don’t like it when you’re taller than them.” Bagila pulled a handkerchief out of her purse. “I wish I didn’t know you!” She said angrily, but without the previous fury. “You scoff at my every word; it is pleasant for you to watch a person cry. You are twelve years older than me, and you act as if you were an equal opponent. You are married, you have children, and I’m here with you…” She said, choking on tears, after falling silent. “Are you leaving?” “Yes… What am I supposed to do here?!” She carefully folded her handkerchief, closed her purse, clicked the clasp, slowly put on her sweater, ob- viously unhurriedly fastened the buttons. She waited for what Jasyn would say, but Jasyn, instead of reassuring her or detaining her, only said: “Good luck.” And, lighting a cigarette, he went to the open window. “We won’t meet again?” “Maybe. If you need me, call me.” “Is this how it all ends? Why did all this happen? For what? Don’t think that I’m sticking to you. I just want to understand why we dated for three years. In or- der to say nasty things to each other and run away?! And you…! After me, you will tie another girl to yourself and again you will be…” Jasyn turned sharply to her. His face was painfully pale, his eyes shone feverishly. “Yes, I will find, and I will tie!” He said as if he chopped something off, cold fury in his voice. “I have no other business! I came into existence only to explore the charms of girls. If you haven’t been able to understand me in three years, then you’d better leave now. In six years, it will become completely unbearable, you will even regret that you did not immediately run away from me!” Bagila trampled a little at the threshold and, without even waiting for a kind look or gesture from Jasyn,

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