aged to get one. “Without such people, life is not life,” thought Jasyn. And no one appreciates her. Besides, she is pretty. Still, a woman should be beautiful! As if afraid that she would read his thoughts, Jasyn averted his eyes from Malika. “After you left, Bagila felt bad, but now it’s easier… You see, they completely forgot about you!” she said in a playful tone. They laughed as they looked at each other. “I think you must be the instigator of this whole mess?” “Yes I am!” Malika coquettishly adjusted her already well-fitting straw hat. “A straw hat suits you,” Jasyn necessarily complimented. “When are the guests leaving?” “Ah, yes,” Malika said, clapping Jasyn on the shoulder. “Karatai asked about you. I was scared to death. I thought he would tear my head off, but he didn’t even say a word against it. I don’t think he hates you that much. But this Turgat! Oh boy!” She put her hands on her head. “He is planning to take Bagila to Almaty himself. Karatai is flying back tomorrow, but this one is staying here…” Jasyn looked straight at her. And Malika did not lower her eyes. A blush appeared on her cheeks and be- gan to quickly spread over her face. Realising this, she fluttered her eyelashes. “When we return, will you be in Almaty?” Malika asked pointedly. “What do mean ‘when we return?’ I said I’m going back before that…” “No need. That guy is going with us. He doesn’t like you. In general, he does not like writers at all.” Jasyn lit a cigarette, looked distantly as the smoke dissipated. “I know.” “How? Did Bagila tell you?!” Malika was surprised with his immediacy. “No, I can see it myself, I guessed from his eyes. For such people, ambition replaces intelligence. This is visible to the naked eye.” Malika listened with undisguised admiration. The bus hummed warningly. “I’ll walk you to the airport,” Malika said languidly. “Are you out of your mind? To go all the way to Simferopol? Besides, you don’t have a ticket.” “Remember, Malika is a great specialist when it comes to tickets. I can even get a ticket for yesterday’s plane!” She laughed. “No. Stay close to Bagila. Perhaps Karatai is looking for you.” “I told him…” “What exactly did you say that you decided to come and see me off?!” “Nothing you need to

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