women, who are they, these women? What does Sargel have to do with them, and most importantly, why did he boil over? Why did he nearly burst out of anger.” Bagila remembered her mother, a quiet, unfailingly affectionate woman. She always paid attention to the mood of her children and her husband, she built her personal life in full accordance with the prosperity of her native hearth, thinking first and foremost, about the health of her family and so that evil would not enter the house. She also studied at an institute, knew no worse than others about the endless joys and sorrows of this life. But she always knew how to endure, knew how to wait. Bagila remembered she was then either in the second or third grade when her father worked at the state farm as the chief agronomist, there was a severe drought for two years in a row and he was removed from his post because the farm did not fulfil their tasks. He was in no way able to explain to his superiors and higher authorities that he was not to blame for this, that such a difficult situation had fallen not on one of their state farms, but on the entire district and even on the entire region, that he personally spared no effort in order to at least somehow fix things. Even the responsible workers who visited their house knew her father well, they did not undertake to intercede for him, although they said that the trouble was not Karatai’s fault, and that the agronomists of the region could be removed from work, but it would still not rain. It was the most terrible time for Karatai as he had just started to get on his feet, this was his first roadblock. Yes, people are different, and a friendship started at a good moment should be tested. Yesterday’s friends did not only fail to stand up for him, they behaved as if they had never known Karatai, and this completely broke him. He was very worried, tried to leave his native places and settle somewhere on the banks of the Syr Darya. Though it was only his wife, Gainikamal, who restrained him, reminded him of his worth, and as befits a man, he must endure the hardships that had fallen before him. “There will always be work for the hands. Though you might

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