helps me forget about the fear. Indeed, true friends will save you from all troubles.” “That’s great! I’ll be at the airport then!” Sargel left the rector’s office in a great mood. He walked past the pulpit and into the street. Walking along the square, decorated with fountains, he thought about the details of the meeting for about an hour. “Is he disposed towards me?” he asked himself, once again recalling to the smallest detail in the behaviour of the rector, his look, his movements, his words. “Why not? But why, then, has he not brought me closer to him until now? Why has he never asked about my work before? Even more, after that complaint, he seemed to dislike me…” Sargel thought of Karatai. “So, it turns out he talked to his friend. Well done, Karatai! A true relative! Well, now try to compete with Sargel,” he muttered, pleased with himself. “Who now from this accursed pulpit will dare to reproach me? And I don’t think I talked so badly with him,” he continued to rejoice for himself. “How he, the fool, melted from praise! He believed that I was reading his nonsense. What else am I missing! Damn it, what would I have done if he asked the title of even one of his works? Oh whatever, why would he be asking me that anyway? A person who is weak to flattery does not need specific praise.” Sargel chuckled. He remembered the expression of some playwright: “Ears, greedy for flattery, but with talent it’s tight…” Having ventured such a bold and biting assessment of the rector, he felt how pleasant it was to think badly about his boss, but he caught himself in time, even looked with caution sideways, afraid that someone might read his mind. Suddenly, Sargel remem- bered that the rector had asked his opinion about the teachers. “Why does he need it? For what? Or maybe…” His heart began to beat again, but he did not even dare to mentally say it: “Or maybe he wants to hand over the reins of the department to me?” So, enjoying these thoughts and at the same time being frightened by them, he stood for a long time at the fountain. “As soon as Karatai arrives, we will have to invite him to visit, with that person from the ministry and the rector.” It was an excellent idea.

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