“Stuff like that can lead to psychosis.” “On the contrary, it is excellent quality. One can only rejoice.” “A woman, buried in papers, forgets that she is a woman. And when she forgets about it, she disappears as a person! Bagila!” The girl didn’t answer. Malika, slapping her slippers, went to her room and opened the door. And there she was. Bagila, resting her cheek on her hand, buried her- self in the book. She had managed to read half of their library. Once again, Malika involuntarily admired the girl… Oh god, how she would like to have the same light, playful strand of silky hair that falls on her right eyebrow, as the girl before her. Like a doll, she thought. “Wow, not a single flaw!” “Sur,” Malika said, not noticing how the abbreviated name appeared on her tongue and surprised at the unexpected find. Bagila looked up from her book with a smile. “Did you decide to call me that?” “What? Sur… This is from the word ‘picture’. In addition, Kuprin has a story called “Olga Sur”. Anyway, let’s go see ‘In the World of Animals.’ This show is 100% true.” “You are always busy searching for the truth.” Bagila got up from the table. “Will Mancia watch?” “She is doesn’t like this program; she generally doesn’t like the TV. She likes to be alone. She says that when she is alone, she can present a story much more interesting than the plot of multi-episode television films. So, she has her own TV in her head.” Bagila did not want to leave the room, but fearing to offend Malika, she followed her. Stepping over the threshold of the room, Bagila froze, as if pierced by a current. “What happened? What?” Malika was worried. Bagila was silent. “Sur, I ask, what is the matter with you?” Malika screamed in fright. From this cry, the girl came to her senses. With wild fear in her eyes, she looked towards the TV. On the screen, a man was finishing talking, something about literature. Nobody in the room listened to him. “It’s him!” she whispered. “It’s him! God, I can’t forget him.” “Who?! Who is it?” Sargel stood nearby with a glass of water, looking at Bagila in amazement, Malika gave her a drink. “We need to put her to bed!” Sargel decided. Malika took her back to the room and laid

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