sharp, handsome young man write about, the man who so easily offended her and her father? What thoughts did he entrust to this sheet? She was convinced that in the lines that covered the white sheet there were words, expressions, thoughts completely different from those that she heard, read, knew until today. It couldn’t be anything else! Suddenly a new thought appeared, flashing like lightning, electrifying her mind. Bagila shuddered and began to breathe rapidly. “He might come back to us for the forgotten paper!” Bagila did not know whether she wanted or did not want the stranger to appear again, she was afraid to understand this, but one thing was clear: her quiet life, which had been flowing for all eighteen years in the family cradle of respect and reverence, dignity and fame, was shaken up today, like a bird after sleep. “Dad, are you thirsty? I’ll bring you tea!” Bagila said loudly, as if trying to scare away her current state, into the clutches of which she fell without resisting, and now she decided that she would easily be able to get rid of this new feeling, she had only to speak up, to say something… Her father answered in a sleepy voice that he did not want tea but instead he wants to lie down a bit and think about business. The compartment door quietly slid aside, and a male voice came from the corridor: “May I?” Bagila almost flew off her seat. A man – a completely different man raised his eyebrows, surprised at such a panicky fright of the girl. And her cheeks instantly flushed. “Karatai Isaevich, do you need anything at the moment?” the man asked, as if explaining the purpose of his arrival. Karatai repeated what he had said to his daughter without turning his face away from the wall. The young man hastily apologised and disappeared, silently closing the door behind him. It was only later, Bagila learnt that two guys were traveling with them in the next compartment, but were they travelling on the road for their own business or were they there to accompany her father? This she did not know. “Dad, you rest, and I will stand in the corridor…” “As you wish.” A slight irritation slipped through his father’s voice; he didn’t like it when people interfered with his rest. “Although you should rest too…” Bagila went out

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