“What? Give me a minute!” “You can stay there with complete pleasure. Sur feels fine! Tell me just who recently appeared on TV?” Bagila, seeing that she couldn’t stop Malika, sank into a chair and covered her face with her hands. “What is it?” asked Sargel, falling silent again. “Well, it’s necessary. I think I’ve seen him some- where…” “Where?” “If I remembered, I wouldn’t be asking you! I think he’s the one that didn’t pay me for the mare milk!” “Jasyn Madiev.” “Is he talented?” “Recently, he’s become quite popular.” “Do you like him? I’m talking about his books.” “I don’t read them. But the newspapers shout with each other about the fact that there isn’t a more talented writer than him.” “Sar, congratulations! You got a five on the test! Especially in such a difficult situation.” She closed the door and turned to Bagila: “Because he does not know about his works, it’d probably give him a two, but so far, his works are not of interest to us. Well, did you hear his first and last name?” “God, what a shame! How can I look Sargel in the eye now!” “Don’t worry about it. How could he know why I asked about this writer. Anyway, we found out the main thing. Now it’s not that hard to find him. We’ll call the Writers’ Union, and they’ll give us his address and phone number. Well, shall we try?” “For god’s sake stop it! There is no need.” “Why? How are you going to find him?” Malika paused, thought for a moment, and soon said nonchalantly: “We’ll see how it goes. Time will tell. Let’s go watch TV.” “No, I’ll still be here. I am ashamed to be in front of Sargel.” “Okay. You can sit with your “beloved” as long as you like.” “Li-ka!” “Ciao!” She affectionately patted Bagila on the cheek and floated out of the room. “And I’ll stay with my dear husband.” She uttered the last words cheerfully, but Bagila still caught the hidden bitterness in them. “Jasyn,” Bagila repeated to herself. “Jasyn Madiev. Jasyn… ‘Lightning?!’ Jasyn…! That’s who he is!” Bagila read two of his books. And she re-read it more than once, literally on the eve of leaving home, she again held them in her hands. To be honest, Bagila was surprised by his outlook on life, his deep understanding of life, the

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