a while she again clearly saw his back, stone-tense. The one who tormented her for so long, who deprived her of peace and confidence in life, was sitting right in front of her, at arm’s length. “It’s fate!” Bagila involuntarily though to herself. “Who would have thought that we would meet like this, in a taxi, in the middle of a dirty street! Just like in the movies!” “What’s with the silence? You threw it away?” He half-turned and looked askance at her. She begging to lose it! Again, that cold face, again the icy gaze, piercing like an arrow. “No, I have it,” Bagila whispered in a barely audible voice. “Thanks for keeping them. There are some very important entries in those notes. I bet you aren’t too interested in them, but I was very worried about losing them, when can I take these papers from you?” Jasyn fixed his gaze on Bagila. Eyes that looked calm and straight, without hesitation, that pressed her to the seat. “You’re right, I don’t need those papers for anything,” Bagila suddenly blurted out, not controlling herself. “You can pick them up at any time. Where should I take them?” Jasyn looked at the girl with surprise. There was a slight warmth in his cold, indifferent eyes. “Thank you for your honesty. It may seem confusing to a stranger that I care so much for those slips of paper, but I’ve only told you the first reason, and the second is that I do not want even the insole of my shoes to remain in the hands of people I dislike.” The last words went through her like a twig soaked in salt. Looks like he was just a boor. “Yes!” Exclaimed Bagila, seized with rage. “You are right, for us your writings are no more expensive than a rotten old insole. I might have accidentally bookmarked a page of my book with your nonsense!” Anger made it difficult for her to breathe, and she began to crumple the umbrella in her hands, feeling the knitting needles bend under her fingers. She could not look at Jasyn, but all the same, she felt the bile emanating from him with her whole skin. “He sees that he pissed me off. He is provoking me up on purpose, so that I burst with anger, like a girl!” “That’s good,” he said, turning to face her

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