with a condescending smile. “I think you have lectures after dinner. Why how you are right now, you probably can’t even tell me what kind class you’re in, what floor, and so on. So, let’s make a deal. Tomorrow I will find your class according to the schedule and we will meet during the break. In my opinion, it will not be difficult for you to take my nonsense with you. And if this is humiliating for you, pass it on through someone. I will come during the break after the first lecture. Deal?” Bagila was silent. The sharp, imperious tone suppressed her, did not allow her to open her mouth. “If it’s humiliating?! Wow, what delicacy!” Bagila already knew that after this meeting she would have to fight with herself all night, that both anger and affection for this person, who settled in her at the same time, and despite this fight, that heat would still prevail and she herself would bring him this paper. And while rage stood in her throat, even tears welled up in her eyes. She stopped the taxi right outside the house, handed the driver a ruble, thinking that he would refuse if this tormentor wanted to pay for her, but he did not think to do so. Without looking at the road, she quickly walked towards the house, forgetting to open her umbrella. She passed under a high arch, turned to the entrance, and then suddenly saw an embarrassed figure. “Who is it now?” she thought angrily. “Bagila,” they called out to her. It was Serbota. He looked at her pleadingly, huddled in a wet, sagging cloak. It was obvious that he has been trampling around in the rain for a long time! Streams of water ran from the brim of the hat onto the damp, darkened shoulder straps of the cloak. “Mr. Serbota is that you?!” the girl asked in aston- ishment as she stopped. “Yes, it’s me. I’m sorry I’m here…” “Mr. Serbota, what’s the matter with you! You’re like a child, why are doing this?” “You mean to tell me to go home?” “No, but… It’s awkward somehow… Uncle Sargel knows you well, if he sees that-” “Let him.” “You don’t care, what about me? Tomorrow will be a day…” Said Bagila, trying to get rid of him. “You’ll catch a cold…” “So what. If it’s for you…” “What’s for

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