answer any of the questions!” “Another time, Sur. It’s eleven now. I have to get up early tomorrow. Besides, if I talk to you for a long time, Sar will get jealous. God, he is jealous of me even when I’m watching TV or even sitting on a stool.” “So, he loves you with all his heart.” “Yes, of course, that’s why he is jealous of me on a stool!” Covering her mouth with her hand, she laughed contemptuously. “Sometimes it seems to me that he came into this world only for jealousy…” Bagila laughed along with her. “Laughter suits you,” Malika remarked. “Everything suits you. Well, okay: listen to music, read books, dream. In the end, you will leave this room either a wise woman or a mad woman. And one more thing… Sur, I don’t want to interfere in your personal life. You have enough of your mind. But look, you are still very young, try, as far as possible, to stay free longer. You still have lots of time to wash the dishes for your husband.” Malika left. Bagila looked at her bed, lying at its head, she saw the sheets that she had to take with her tomorrow, and quickly ran through them with her eyes. Now the words were clearer and more understandable than before. In addition, she heard Jasyn’s low, coldish voice when she read them… Putting the paper in her purse, she looked up at the ceiling. Then into the deer’s glassy eyes. The heart fluttered again. Those eyes were very reminiscent of his eyes – sharp as an arrow, cold as a dagger, deep as a well in the sand. He was very close and very far. Scary and expensive. She was hoping this lecture could last forever. And when there were a few minutes left until the end, it began to seem that the old bald teacher either was playing for time or was deliberately in a hurry to finish the classes as soon as possible. She had forgotten that there would be a call. She didn’t care what the teacher said. For the entire hour and a half, she was looking for an answer to the question: “Do you take it out yourself or pass it on through someone?” Bagila flinched as the bell rang. Thoughts shattered like glass falling on a stone floor. Standing up, she hurried towards the

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