exit. All doubts were easily dispelled. Everything was clear to her: she herself would give the sheet. Bagila hurriedly followed the teacher and immediately saw Jasyn in the far corner of the corridor. He smoked, glancing at the auditorium door. “Hello,” he said, approaching Bagila. “Excuse me, what is your name?” In an effort to show that she had not forgotten yes- terday’s insult, Bagila decided to silently hand over the paper and leave, but she did not succeed. “Bagila,” she answered with a tremble in her voice, and rushed frantically to look for the ill-fated pages in the book. “Not the best name,” he remarked. “It’s viscous, like Almaty caramel.” “You… you impudent! What right do you have to talk to me like that?! You have no right.” Bagila whispered all of this, fighting back tears. “You’re right this time.” She slipped the sheets carelessly into his inside pocket. “Thank you! Now I can say goodbye for good thanks to this, but I want to tell you one other thing, don’t be afraid, this has nothing to do with love or any of that nonsense. You seem to have enough boyfriends here without me.” He hit it on the spot again. Bagila’s arched eyebrows quivered, and Jasyn understood everything without difficulty. “I don’t have time tonight,” Bagila blurted out. “In the evening? Lovers meet in the evening. You go out now. It’s okay, without this lecture you won’t become any more stupid. I’ll be waiting downstairs. Near a pay phone.” Having said that, he turned and left. By the time Bagila came to, he had already descended the stairs to the lobby. “Bagila, who was that?” asked the girl sitting next to her during the lectures. “A Relative.” “That’s not true,” the fellow student intervened. “You don’t know him! And I know who he is. Everyone knows him as Jasyn. I wanted to get an autograph, but I was afraid to break your trills!” “Jasyn!” Roared the crowd of students.” Wow! You should have said right away! I didn’t know he was so young?” “And he has eyes! Like lightning!” Bagila’s girlfriends even blushed from the thoughts. A fellow student got into the conversation again: “Jasyn is his pseudonym. Let her say his real name because they are relatives.” “What’s his real name?” The girls shouted from all sides. There was nowhere to retreat, since she said she was

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