the angry flash of his eyes, how, going out into the street, she saw him in everyone she met. And now she is sitting next to him… But, how strange, until that moment, as soon as she remembered him, she lost her peace, her heart was torn out of her chest, and now, for some unknown reason, she was calm and even, as if nothing had happened. This was a new experience for her, an absolutely amazing feeling. It was not only just the attitude of a girl to a man, but a sincere craving for an intelligent, thinking person. The new feeling gradually subdued the first – the feeling restlessness and discomfort. She suddenly felt joy because her mood was determined, and she wanted to tell Jasyn what she thought about him before this meeting, how she hated him and realised quite clearly that she could no longer be without him. She wanted to drink a full glass of champagne so that her head would spin, and her thoughts would lose their sharpness. They spent an hour in the cafe. The sky was cloudy, but the rain had stopped. The young birch trees growing near the cafe had not yet warmed up after yesterday’s sleet and were freezing silently, without rustling their leaves. Two willows leaned over the empty pool, covering their concrete bottom with lancet leaves. Wet leaves crunched underfoot. They walked in silence. Bagila, chilled after the warm hall of the cafe, turned up the collar of her coat, put her hands in her pockets. Walking where it was drier, she strictly watched that Jasyn did not get very close to her. Bagila only now noticed that they were the same height, as if cut by the same sword. In her eyes, this was Jasyn’s only flaw, she preferred the girl in a relationship to be shorter, even the same height did not suit her. “My shoes prop me up,” she thought, as if trying to justify Jasyn. “It’s seven centimetres, so I’m below him. Great! After all, it’s beautiful to be lower than a gentleman, this is a universal standard!” She smiled and stealthily glanced at Jasyn’s shoes. And his shoes propped him up as well… No more than five centimetres, she decided. That’s only two centimetres. “Well, whatever, I’m still below him. Wonderful,” she even shrugged her shoulders. “What am I thinking about? What nonsense!

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