What an individual!” They stopped at her house. “Let’s say goodbye. I asked you to stay with me for one hour,” he looked at his watch, “but I took almost three hours from you. I beg your pardon.” He handed her a business card. “Call me if you need to. Feel free to do so at any time. And one other thing… Let’s tone down on this ‘love’ nonsense.” “You… your shameless! How dare you!” “Sorry, but I noticed that you’re treating me in a special way. Don’t bother.” Bagila cried. “You’re so selfish! You like to mock, trample on the honour of a person! Go away. I don’t want to see you.” “It is not for such a smart girl as you to shed tears, to say stupid things in a fit of rage. Everything has to be looked at sensibly. In the moment, these words of yours are useless.” “Get out! Goodbye.” “It never even crossed my mind that we would part like this. Don’t be offended. I just said what I thought, and you decided that I’m trying to mock you. Though that just isn’t true. Anyway, good luck!” Jasyn had already turned, took a few steps, but then stopped. “Tomorrow I’m flying abroad. I’m coming back in ten days.” “I don’t care where you’re going and for how long you’ll be gone!” sobbed Bagila, stuffing her handkerchief into her purse. Noticing that Jasyn was not leaving, she took a step towards him. “Where are you flying to?” Jasyn smiled softly. She saw warmth flicker in his cold eyes. “To Cuba. Together with a delegation of writers.” “Have a safe journey…!” “Thanks! Well then, should we say goodbye by hand?” She gave him her hand and felt the warmth of his fingers. She held her palm in his palm, and it pierced Jasyn’s heart. He winced and withdrew his hand. “See you later.” Bagila nodded. Jasyn quickly walked away. Turning around, he saw that she was looking after him. She entered the apartment by opening the door with her key. In the living room, Oginsky’s Polonaise blared at full power. It means Mancia is home. When left alone, she always listened to music, turning the radio on at full volume. Bagila changed her shoes and went to her room. At the open doors of the living room, she froze in disbelief. Mancia, clasping a puppet in a

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