had heard something pleasant from Bagila. She had never had a heart for him, but Bagila understood that for the sake of decency it was necessary to say something in response. “Look…” she said in a barely audible voice. “Oh, the steppe is always wonderful and unique! But nothing can compare with Almaty! If you don’t mind, I’ll show you the city when we arrive. I know Almaty by heart!” “I also know Almaty… well enough,” said Bagila somewhat harshly, deciding to stop the flow of his words, which began to rush down like a stream from a steep. “Ah, is that how it is? That’s a bold statement, it is difficult to really ‘know’ Almaty, especially its surround- ings. You know, Almaty is precisely beautiful in the outskirts,” said Turgat. “Probably.” “I studied there for five years. Yes, I was born and grew up near the city. If I say something wrong, I beg your pardon, but it’s probably because I’m going to my fatherland… I hope it doesn’t all pass through you, a draft like that would be a terrible thing for a person…” Bagila sighed as if she had to swallow something sugary and sticky. “Thanks, I’ll make sure it won’t.” “You still take care.” He looked at the girl as if he were her own older brother. “Of course, everyone cherishes their fatherland. You are young at the moment, but you will understand what I am talking about later. To be honest, at first, I wanted to escape from this place back to my homeland. But one thing kept me, my shame before Karatai Isaevich. And now I’m used to it, I’ve made up my mind about everything… But I still yearn for my homeland. You haven’t experienced anything like this…” Bagila could not overcome her disgust for Turgat. She didn’t want to talk at all. She quietly went to the compartment where her father was resting. Turgat stood like a monument, offended by the neglect of the girl. Bagila felt awkward and, after taking a few steps, turned to him. “Excuse me… a stranger who was in our compartment left some paper. If it’s not difficult, can you tell him about it?” She said pleadingly. Turgat forgot his grudge against Bagila in the blink of an eye and looked at her with a smile. “I will gladly do it with all my heart… You know

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