deeper in the future. I do not believe in equality and democracy between spouses, which is talked a lot about at the present time. The family should be dominated by one of the spouses. And where this is not the case, the family ceases to be a family. Equality and democracy are not grounds for the coexistence of representatives of the two genera, it can break like a glass vessel that has fallen on a stone, due to random contradictions, minor mistakes. Therefore, dear Malika,” he continued, pacing back and forth and raising his voice at the word ‘dear,’ “there is no place for democracy in this house. That anger on your part, a violent invasion of me in front of the children, and even with a sharp jerking of the door, this is a mockery of the spouse. A woman in any situation must respect a man. Perhaps some women consider themselves smarter than their husbands, but, unfortunately, this wisdom is not confirmed by anything. On the contrary, if a woman is conscientious, she respects her husband, does not affect his honour…” “Sar,” Malika said as she settled under the cold blanket, “are you done with your lecture?” “No,” he didn’t even look at his wife. “And I’m not lecturing you. Whether this conversation ends or not is up to you. If you understood everything I said correctly, then I’m done.” “I understood everything.” Sargel stopped walking, looked at his wife. “There is more anger in your voice than resignation. I do not believe you.” “Don’t make me grow old, Sar,” Malika said in a velvety voice. Sargel’s head twitched slightly, and he stared at his wife for a long time. “That’s right,” he began a new tirade. “All men…” “Drop it, for god’s sake!” Malika asked angrily. “Who are these ‘men’ you’re talking about? Men, men, men. What do you care about men?” Sargel looked at her in furious surprise. Hypocrisy, together with anger, warmed the blood in his sclerotic veins, and his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. In the words “What do you care about men?” he heard “you are not a man.” Besides, the wife said it calmly and weightily. So that means she had been thinking about it for a long time, and then the opportunity arose to say it out loud. And she said it… Coming to this conclusion, Sargel almost burned

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