find a reason to talk to him. Several times Bagila went to the pay phone, tried to dial a number. But, having wound up three or four numbers, she began to breathe heavily, her face lit up with dry fire, and she jumped out of the booth. Staying alone in the house, she approached the home phone several times, standing on the bedside table in the corridor. But every time she is overcome by prickling shame. Dialling six numbers was beyond her strength. It seemed vicious enough to her already that she was approaching the telephone. And now, after much worry and conflicting thoughts, she went to the phone. She slowly raised the phone to her ear. A monotone low buzzing. The device worked flawlessly. She was ready to convey her voice to Jasyn in a matter of seconds. She dialled the first three digits calmly. On the fourth her hand trembled. She barely twisted the fifth digit, as if her finger had become a straw and was about to break off. There was one more left, the last one… She raised her index finger to the figure eight, the disk slowly spun… There was nothing to breathe. She closed her eyes as she heard long, intermittent beeps on the phone. One second, two seconds… Then something cracked dryly, and then a cold, indifferent male voice rang out: “Hello…” Bagila couldn’t open her mouth. “Hello!” the man repeated irritably. “Jasyn!” She gasped “Hello, what is it?!” “Hello!” Bagila blurted out, afraid that now he would hang up, and she would not have enough strength to call a second time. “Hey… What do you need?” “When did you arrive?” “A while back. Who is it?” “Have you… forgotten me? I’m…” “What are you mumbling for! Who is speaking?” “It’s… Bagila…” “Ah, I remember… I wanted to call you, but there was always no time. Do you have business with me?” Bagila hung up. “Do you have business with me?” Those words, like a jet of water, nearly knocked her off her feet. Her soul, for the umpteenth time, through his fault, fell, shattered to smithereens. She threw herself face down on the bed. “Do you have business with me? How rude! Jerk! Why did I call him, why? I’m so stupid! That’s what I deserve. You are the one to blame! You wanted to hear his voice? There, you got it!”

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