carefully along the icy avenue, he felt that he was still cramped. What was it? Is he really that lost in front of Bagila?! In addition, his speech, usually knocked down, harsh, collapsed like an old fence, and, most amazingly, for the first time in his life, his chest warmed when he looked at Bagila. In the thirty-one years of his life, of course, he knew women, and quite a few. Among them there were all sorts: seasoned and joyful, beautiful and not so much… But his heart had never beaten faster than usual. Every time it was the same thing – he subordinated the woman to himself, exercised over her the power of his desire, and that was all. He saw only what was before his eyes, nothing more. He wrote about it in a more complicated, more interesting way and the women were often offended by Jasyn, accusing him of god knows what. They loved him so much that as soon as he asked them to stop, they gave up… His sharp, thoughtful eyes, iron logic, bold reasoning stood out like a sore thumb, wherever he was: among historians, economists, linguists, archaeologists, artists and actors – the eyes of all the women around would rest on him. Many women demanded confessions of high love and thus caused bouts of irritable arguments. He believed that there are two qualities in a person that are born and die of their own free will, these are love and hatred, and to justify an ordinary connection with lofty words is the most primitive meanness. They came to the theatre and watched the tragedy of a foreign playwright. But it did not arouse any interest in Bagila. Since the start of her studies in Almaty, this was her third time going to the theatre, but for some reason she paid attention only to the acting. They talked about this during the intermission. After the performance, Jasyn got a taxi. Bagila sat in front, he sat behind again. And once more, she didn’t ask where they were going. It snowed heavily yesterday, and it was difficult to drive. The car wobbled every now and then, for a long time its treads screeched on the ice at the intersections, unable to pick up speed. When they finally got out onto the straight avenue, Jasyn suddenly, without hiding his surprise, said: “This is the first time

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