I’ve met a girl like you.” Bagila turned to him. “How come?” “After all, a person in this situation would ask where it is they are being taken!” “I already know. Why ask?” Jasyn, stunned, was silent. Only after a while he asked apprehensively: “How do you know?” “Your phone number starts with 39…” “So what?!” “And we’re just approaching the area where phone numbers start like that.” “With such observation,” said the amazed Jasyn, “you should have entered the law faculty! Though to be fair, I don’t really like it either, you have to really look after yourself in both!” “Why is it like that?! You say, specialising as a histo- rian is not for me, making observation does not suit me, even my name doesn’t suit you, how can I live on?” She turned to him and smiled, raising her eyebrows questioningly. “How can you live on…? As a standard of beauty, you can be taken under the protection of UNESCO and put in some cold museum.” “What will I do when I’m old?” “Then you will stand as a model of aged beauty. But to be in clothes or not, this will be decided by the international commission.” Bagila quickly forced the smile off her face and looked away. “Thanks for that, at least,” she said, not concealing her resentment. This instantly flashing half-childish resentment, and eager pride, and the way she sat down, raising her chin, made Jasyn laugh, but he could not help but notice that at that moment she became even more beautiful. Having reached Jasyn’s house, they got out of the car. Bagila did not really think about where and why he was taking her, but, having entered the entrance and stepped onto the stairs, she felt a tremor in her legs. “He’s a stranger, after all,” she thought, “well, of course, a complete stranger. And I followed him here like his tail. This is how you humiliate yourself. Who is at his house? What if his wife is here? How will I introduce myself? What will he call me? In a completely foreign house, in the middle of the night!” “I… I should probably leave,” she said, stopping resolutely on the landing on the second floor. “Yes, I’m not staying. Sorry…” Jasyn looked at her, somehow suddenly embarrassed. “I beg you, I can forgive everything,” he said. “If you leave now, it

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