for such a hierarchy to exist in every family.” Jasyn lit a cigarette. “How about dinner?” “No need.” “I don’t want it either. Let’s kill time. I really regret to lose those minutes that could of satisfied the stomach. We’d better drink coffee.” Jasyn went to the kitchen. Immediately there was the rumbling of a tap, the lid of the coffee maker rang, a lit match hissed. Then the doors of the refrigerator and cabinets slammed shut. Jasyn, smiling slightly, returned to the room. “You know…” he began to speak from the doorway and fell silent only to settle down in an armchair across from Bagila. “A person spends half of his life eating and sleeping. Sometimes it seems to me that people are only created to eat their fill, sleep their fill and die. Sitting down at the table three times a day is almost crazy, but there are those who eat from morning to night. In my opinion, the almighty is a big egoist, he only thinks about himself. If you read the Bible and the Koran, then you might think that both God and Allah created man solely out of condescension. Is that so? God created man for his own pleasure. Tired of idleness, he invented man out of boredom, and, as if not finding a more normal planet in the universe, he settled us away from other worlds on a planet called Earth. People, like busy ants, began a collective existence. And although they were given a limited time to live, although they buried each other by the thousands, their existence seemed to them eternal, like that of the almighty. They surrendered and are surrendered to the meaningless everyday life. This is beneficial to the creator. Looking at our lives, he dies of laughter, he always has a merry spectacle. If not for us, he would have dried up from boredom long ago. Still, the creator’s fantasy worked well. Well done to him!” Jasyn smiled bitterly. Bagila did not understand who he was laughing at, at God? At humans or at himself? Suddenly, she became afraid. She had never seen a man who would say nasty things about god. And now therewas one sitting opposite her, smoking a cigarette with might and main, and blasphemed not only humans, but also the creator. She didn’t read either the Bible or the Koran, she didn’t think about god

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