woman. No, he is still strong and can take over the heart of anyone, and hers too… Let five, ten years pass, he still will not grow old, if necessary, he will live without paying attention to women, without love for them. Jasyn’s soul was disturbed by an unexpected discovery: in the thirty-one years of his life, it turns out that he had lost one of the main qualities of a person to love carelessly, without worrying about anything… From this thought, Jasyn felt anguish, he began to lose what is irreplaceable… But then another thought flashed: “You still have a lot to lose, so don’t despair.” Rising, he went to the window and parted the curtains. “Look, it’s snowing,” Jasyn said quietly with a sort of bilious bitterness. Bagila approached him. As on that autumn day, when they walked side by side from the cafe, this time she was strictly making sure, that god forbid, she does not touch Jasyn. “Yes, snow… It’s falling in flakes.” Jasyn looked at the snowfall, smiling imperceptibly at Bagila. “Be a little quite will you. I have a feeling that you have completely exhausted me,” he said. “Again, with this…” Bagila said offendedly, not understanding how she could be exhausting him. Jasyn stood with his hands in his pockets and spoke as if he hadn’t heard her threats. “And in the world, it is snowing quietly, carelessly,” he said as if to himself. “Everyone is busy with their own lives. Nobody cares about each other. See that eight-story building over there? How many people, how many destinies are in it… Everyone who lives there, has someone they love, someone they hate. Some are scurrying about in the kitchen, others are withered in front of the TV, others are in the bedroom… Look, what an interesting picture: there is a young woman in swimming trunks and a bra opening the curtains, but they should have been closed…” Bagila looked at the woman and lowered her head. “And tomorrow they will all scatter around like ants from a fire. In the evening, they’ll go home… They will cook dinner, eat it and go to bed. And rightly so, you need to take a break, because tomorrow you will run again. Each of them has children, big and small. Every- one strives to achieve something, fights with someone, suffers defeat from someone. And here, you see,

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