the snow is falling as if nothing had happened. It seems to be stupid, but at such moments I feel especially keenly how small we are and how great nature is. Whether you die or are born, it snows no matter what… What do you think of that?” He half turned to Bagila. “You ordered me to be quiet, and I am silent. You won’t hear another word from me.” “Ah! Again, you pout like a little child! Damn it, was it really impossible to notice the importance of the moment! However, it’s good that you didn’t notice. Well, are you going home?” “Yes. And immediately.” “I’ll walk you out. They’re probably missing you at home and are going scold you for what the world is worth.” He helped put on her sheepskin coat, gave her boots. And when she came to the door, he realised that while she was there, he felt better than ever, and now, as soon as she leaves, the emptiness and bile that have been eating him up lately are rising up again. He took her in a taxi to her house. He shook her hand in farewell. When she shook his hand, he suddenly leaned over and kissed her fingers, hot and dry. Bagila carefully released her hand and slowly slipped on the glove, blushing crimson with shame. It was unbearable for both of them to be silent, and Jasyn said: “You know what, I still don’t like your name.” “Is that what bothers you the most?” “That’s it… Nothing worries me as much as that.” Jasyn somehow grinned pathetically. “Well, all the best. God bless, see you later.” He walked sideways to the car, sat down, slammed the door, and the taxi rolled down the dark street, splattering wet, dirty snow with its tires. The next year, in the summer, Sargel finally defended his dissertation. Having achieved the coveted title of Doctor of Science, he calmed down and threw a banquet. Everyone who took part in calming him down was invited, some leaders of higher education, the entire department, and close relatives came. A special invitation was sent to Karatai by courier (Sargel liked this idea very much: to send a person with his letter to Karate, and he did not stint, giving one of his young relatives “travel allowances” in both directions). Besides that, Sargel called Karatai twice, asking with exaggerated solicitude

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