“This New Year is special! We’ll meet it at the doctor’s house. Remember that!” “Ah, damn it!” Maliki said to herself. “Look at that, what a braggart! We know very well how you became a doctor. Rewrote the history of three districts in ten years – it’s all you. Who else needs it? What is this writing for? You went only twice to the districts and was afraid to leave the house, always jealous of me. And that’s supposed to be science!” “Of course, we will meet it properly,” Malika agreed indifferently, tired of arguing with her husband. Returning from work in the evening, Malika saw that Sargel was pale, with the look of a lonely poor fellow, he was sitting on the sofa in front of the wide-open doors. Malika immediately realised that no matter how picky Sargel got, before the holiday, especially before the “doctor’s New Year,” he would not turn pale because of some trifle. So, she expected a big fight. She deliberately undressed for a long time, trying to guess what awaits her and what she needs to be ready for. Putting on light slippers, she moved to the kitchen, doing her best to ignore Sargel, but as soon as she crossed the threshold, she was stopped by a sharp cry: “Malika!” Turning around, she looked at her husband in exaggerated surprise. “Don’t be in a such hurry, I’ve had enough of that morning salad,” Sargel said, suddenly switching to a more formal tone. “That salad is the epitome of a culinary blunder, it was prepared quickly, thoughtlessly and completely tastelessly. This only confirms my suspicions. Much to my regret!” Sargel stood up with solemn sorrow. “Sit down here,” he pointed to the sofa from which he had just risen. “Sar, for god’s sake, tell it like it is, or I’ll get up and leave,” Malika could not stand it, fussing on the edge of the sofa… “I lost my appetite because of you, but not for this reason, do you think that before such a special holiday, I wanted to have this conversation? Of course not! The point today is…” “For god’s sake, keep it short. You’re not in a meeting!” Sargel did not listen to Malika. He steadily continued his speech. “What I discovered does not fit in with virtue and honesty in the relationships of people, especially spouses, whose unity is determined by

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