she had never yet had the good fortune to live at least a minute as she liked, because she was now forever deprived of the right to choose where her life should go. She was crying, angry that women’s happiness is completely different from men’s, that one take-off is not enough for a woman to become happy, and that a woman’s happiness is so dependent on a man. Now, seeing the cigarette butt in Sargel’s palm, she shuddered, she remembered that hard night… For a normal person, something as stupid as a cigarette butt could not become a reason for a quarrel, and it’s even a shame to talk about it. But to Sargel, oh, to him, there was a lot of meaning behind it! This means that there was a man in the house, a man during his absence! Which means that in the house, his house, there was a secret meeting between that man and his wife! She was left with two options: either admit any accusation or repeat “I don’t know.” Looking down at the cigarette butt in Sargel’s palm, she shook her head, shrugged. “I don’t understand anything,” Malika said, as if inviting her beloved Sargel to reveal the secret together. “Oh yeah? And I understand everything!” Sargel clutched the priceless cigarette butt in his palm. “Now everything will be clear to you. Ertai, hey, Ertai! Well, come here!” Understanding her husband’s move, Malika, unable to restrain herself, jumped up from the sofa. “Bastard!” she thought furiously. “He got everything out of the kids! Damned old man!” Seeing their parents’ offended faces the children entered the living room, Malika realised that Sargel probably shouted, scared them with god knows what, maybe beat them to find out how everything was. Seeing their mother, the children involuntarily moved towards her, but Sargel stopped them. “Ertai, repeat everything that you recently told me. Is it true that some uncle came to us?” “It’s true.” The boy lowered his head. “Tell me everything!” “The uncle sat for a long time. And mum too. We were late for kindergarten the next day.” “Well done! Now go to your room!” “Well, what objections do you have?” Sargel asked sarcastically, leaning towards his wife. “None,” Malika answered decisively, seeing that nothing could be corrected. “There is no other way out except for the recognition of the divorce.” Sargel listened with his head on

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