Whatever resolution was adopted in Moscow, as a rule, it was immediately reacted to in Almaty. It just so happened that from the first days of Soviet power, the decisions of numerous congresses and plenums, of which there were many, came flying over Russian villages and territories of other republics, without stopping once in the expanses of the state, ending up here to hastily be put into practice right away. Russian villages and republics did not have time to really hear about these decisions, and our Kazakhs, having rolled up their sleeves, were already implementing them. It is known, after all, whoever starts first is the first to finish, while the Russian villages and other republics were digesting what they had heard, slowly getting down to business, others asked themselves what they had heard, scratching their heads, meanwhile Kazakhstan was al- ready reporting to the centre about the completion oftheir tasks, rubbing their hands in impatience, thinking about when they will be able to start implementing the new resolution. One of the next, most important political decisions was the blurring on the line between the city and the countryside. As soon as the decision of the authorities reached Almaty, first regional centres, then districts, then – villages, the local authorities of which, accustomed not to shelve the decrees of high-ranking party leadership, immediately set to work. “But how, how can we blur the line between the city and countryside? And what are the differences between them? What needs to be done to eliminate these differences successfully and quickly?” These were the questions that the authorities in many districts of Kazakhstan puzzled over, holding meetings, studying the opinion of the conscious, informed activists. We do not know how these issues were resolved in other places, but in the ‘Socialism’ department of the notorious collective farm of ‘Communism’, they concluded that the main difference between the city and the aul is connected by the presence or lack there of multi-storey buildings. “What makes a city, a city? There are multi-storey buildings. What makes an aul an aul? These are one-story huts. If we demolish these huts and build high-rise buildings instead of them, then the main difference between the city and the village will disappear.” Pashat Barakatov, head of the department, summed it up like this. “Thus, high-rise buildings will appear in the village, they will be our

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