iron ones in, and then you’ll have to go to the authorities. I don’t have time for that. I’ll put the gold ones in right away!’ ‘Alright, alright,’ he sank down exhausted in his chair. ‘Put the gold ones in. When?’ ‘As soon as I get the money…’ ‘And when will you have it, my dear fellow?’ ‘Thikth munfs.’ ‘The conference is in three days’ time,’ said the director again. ‘He doesn’t have the time, he says! And what, we do?!’ ‘I understand,’ Yerezhep stood with his head low, but was firm. Only I don’t have the money now… ‘Your teeth are private property and the state farm will not pay for them. It’s not in the budget!’ The di- rector yelled as loud as he could, letting off a stream of indignation. ‘Borrow from someone…’ The director looked around the room with a heavy stare. ‘Who will lend him the money?’ The party manager and the representative of the worker’s committee, unable to grasp the meaning of the question, remained silent. They jumped up at the same time, but the worker was more nimble and was the first to leave the office. Soon he was back, leading Yelemes, the driver of the car, by the hand. He followed the worker, not understanding anything, but with no apparent willingness, as if he felt that something unpleasant was about to happen to him. The director did not hesitate to get down to busi- ness. ‘How much did you get?’ ‘Four hundred and fifty…’ ‘How much do you need? ‘The director looked at Yerezhep with hatred. ‘Four hundred… Three for the teeth and a hundred for the mouth…’ ‘Listen, Yelemes… Give this man four hundred roubles. It’s a loan, so to speak, at the request of the state farm administration… he’s going to have his teeth put in!’ ‘And my wife?! ‘Yelemes realised that his hunch was right. ‘What will I tell her? And the children…’ ‘That’s enough!’ When the director realised there was a way out, he perked up. ‘Give it back and that’s it. You’ll get your money in a month. I’m a witness! And don’t argue, this case is political!’ Gold teeth could only be inserted in the district centre, and the director personally took Yerezhep there, to make sure the money was used for its intended purpose, to listen to him speak at the conference, and, if all

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